Mission Statement:
The primary focus of this website is acupuncture, one of the most fascinating healing traditions in the world. However, this website is not intended to advocate acupuncture or promote an acupuncture practice. The rationale of the information that we offer here is to give you accurate data about the basics of acupuncture, dispel myths, and provide you with new up-to-date developments in the field, without promotional or commercial bias. We hope that it will be of interest to medical professionals and useful for patients.
Greetings from the Editor Hello,
I am Dr. Alex Tatevian. I am lucky. I like what I do.
Acupuncture is my profession, specialty and life-long passion. I have practiced acupuncture for more than 30 years and I am still challenged by it. Acupuncture is much more complex than needles. Acupuncture blends ancient wisdom with new scientific paradigms, leading to a more complete knowledge base.

I will be happy to guide you and share my experience.
“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ~ Hippocrates.
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